Looking for Beautiful Beaches? Head to These 5 Countries

Beach holidays are always one of the best for a perfect blend of relaxation and fun. Getting involved in this type of holiday is definitely worth your while, but what are the best spots for people looking to beautiful beaches where you can bask in the golden sands and sun. Find Out here ……

Sal – Cape Verde

Photo Credit : Pixabay

This picturesque island is one of the most beautiful landmarks you’re likely to see in the entirety of Africa. Sal is one of the primary locations in the nation of Cape Verde – which is itself made up of a series of small islands. There are numerous amazing activities to get involved with in the region, with just some of the best things to do in Sal including surfing, diving, visiting the local turtle hatchery and, most importantly, catching some rays on the Santa Maria beach. This stretch of coast continues on for 8km, and is largely unspoiled thanks to decent conservation work from local organisations. This huge area of land also ensures you’ll always be able to find a quiet spot to relax in, regardless of what time of the year you decide to go.

Zipolite – Mexico

Photo Credit : Flickr

Thanks to the immense popularity of the likes of Cancun, Zipolite has gone totally under the radar when it comes to spots worth checking out for a beach holiday. When it comes to exciting places nobody knows about, it doesn’t get much better than this haven of sea, sand and sun. Whereas more popular resorts, like Cancun, are commonly frequented with thousands of drunk teens on Spring Break, Zipolite offers the same taste of the best of Mexico, but in far quieter and more peaceful surroundings. Be warned though, some of these beaches are popular nudist spots – so you may well walk about and suddenly find yourself surrounded by a group of chaps and ladies without their clothes on. Don’t worry though, these types of spots should be clearly located along most strips of sand.

Kovalam – India


Photo Credit : Wiki Common

This small coastal town in the state of Kerala is definitely worth checking out if you’re after a taste of India, which most people don’t regularly get to experience. While the South Asian country has plenty to offer for tourists, beaches are not something you’d naturally associate with the nation. Despite that, Kovalam is definitely a place worth checking out if you’re after an exciting beach holiday. Beautiful crisp blue seas and punctuated with strips of golden sand. Meanwhile, coconut trees are found in plentiful supply along the coast itself – creating a secondary sea of green foliage. The spot is capped off by a gigantic red and white lighthouse, which looks like something from a children’s story (and we mean that in a good way). Kovalam is certainly one of the more unique spots for a beach holiday and should definitely be on your bucket list of places to visit before you die.

Paphos – Cyprus

Photo Credit : Flickr

While most of the spots on our list focus solely on contemporary matters, Paphos stands out as a fantastic potential destination for your next beach holiday because of the ties it has to history. As a sight of cultural significance from the ancient world, any fans of the archaic period will definitely be interested in a visit. The goddess Aphrodite is said to have her origins here, after the Titan Uranus was castrated and had his genitals thrown into the sea. Supposedly, they began to foam and the result was the deity of love springing forth from the seas in the region. Call us cynical, but we have our doubts. Regardless, Paphos is definitely still an area worth checking out. A mixture of sand and shells will meet any explorer travelling here – as well as a blistering Cypriot sun.

 Kuredu – Maldives

Photo Credit : My Travel Diary

Kuredu is one of the most popular attractions in the Maldives with visitors – which is saying something for a region, which is famed for providing tourists with some of the most picturesque and aesthetically pleasing views in the world. The sea doesn’t get much more sky-blue than it is in the Maldives, with sands which are closer to white than golden in colors. Naturally, this stark contrast of colors provides one of the most beautiful views you’re likely to experience on a vacation. Spas are the call of the day in this tropical paradise, with every hotel or resort in the region seeming to specialize in some kind of luxurious pamper treatment. For a much-needed bit of rest and relaxation, Kuredu – or any spot in this series of islands – is definitely worth giving a go.

Have any of these amazing beach destinations inspired you for your next holiday? Travel to one of these spots and experience the sea and sand for yourself. You certainly won’t be disappointed.

Disclaimer : This is a Guest Post by  Isabel Leong

Reproduction of any of the contents, including the photographs without prior consent/permission of the writer is strictly prohibited and a violation of the same will attract legal action.

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